WAM LLN WG4 agenda


WG4 agenda for WAM in LLN Wednesday 17 Sept 2014


The platform is part of the Action webpage, i.e., accessible through a dedicated webpage.

This WG will provide:

  1. a reference corpus containing theoretical courses on the spectroscopies and on the provided frameworks to describe them,

    1. Where should that be hosted?

      1. Shall we just use the EUSPEC page?

      2. Link to Psi-k Code page ? (currently under new development)

    2. List of Codes:

      1. SPRKKR

      2. MsSpec

  2. a download area where each code will be accessible according to its licensing status,

    1. Hosting?

    2. Direct downloads or only collection of links?

  3. for each code, a wiki-like organized manual and a user’s forum,

    1. Hosting and software?

    2. Who has experience in running user forums?

  4. for some codes, a cloud computing utility allowing to run the code in a restricted configuration mode for testing before downloading the most appropriate one,

    1. which machines could be used?

    2. which codes?

    3. Should access be restricted (CPU time, number of jobs, ...)?

    4. What software infrastructure is required and who can provide it?

  5. the establishment of a  a data exchange interface such  that the different codes can interact easily whenever necessary and interchange e.g. potential files

    1. Which quantities should be included?

    2. Should we set up ONE common format, or a set of translators between existing formats?

  6. a critical assessment of the various methods and codes, with their limits of validity to help the user to decide which one is the most appropriate for the problem at hand,

    1. Where should that information be hosted / published?

  7. a Who’s Who database on spectroscopy that will provide information on the expertise (theoretical as well as experimental) of the people working in the field.

    1. Where should it be hosted?

    2. Initial list of names.

General questions:

  • Who has access rights to the EUSPEC web pages?

  • To which extent can we use the forum for the above purposes?